SHFTHero’s wellbeing tips for shift workers and temporary staff

Ask yourself, how can you serve others, if you don’t serve yourself? 

In today’s day and age, we are all becoming increasingly time-poor, stretching ourselves thin across our university, work and social commitments, and binge-watching our favourite Netflix series. Oh wait… that last one might just be me.

Amongst the hustle and bustle, we often forget to take a step back, and put ourselves first. Shift work can be gruelling, particularly within the hospitality and events industry. Late nights, rushed meal breaks, irregular shifts and being on your feet for hours can take a heavy toll on your physical and mental health. In our opinion, hospitality workers are the most hard working in the world.

One of the largest problems we face as staff, is maintaining a sustainable and healthy balance between work and life. The solution? Follow our 4 easy steps below.

1. Make sure you maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

We all know the pain of taking meal breaks at odd hours. And the incessant craving for poor quality food when you are tired and hungry. While working shift work, it is important to eat food that will keep your energy levels up - opt for food that is high in nutrition. 

2. Discuss Time-Off Requests with your Employer, well in advance.

Do you have your cousin’s wedding coming up? Or university exams? Or need some time-off? 

Have a chat with your employer, and submit a time-off request. Due to the nature of hospitality and events rosters, it is important to let your employer know well in advance. The notice period may vary between employers, so make sure you’re aware of their expectations.

3. Try and fit in some exercise!

For shift workers that are constantly working on their feet, this may seem like a strange tip. But trust us, doing a bit of exercise - from going for a walk outside or doing a gym class - will have invaluable benefits for your mental and physical health. You’ll sleep better, feel more refreshed,  and probably be in a better mindset when you walk in the door at work.

4. Get. Enough. Sleep.

Did you know, it is recommended that you should be getting 7 hours of sleep minimum. Sleep plays a vital role in your physical and mental health and your quality of life. For shift workers who have a combination of morning and evening starts, finding a regular sleep pattern can seem impossible. Our tips:

  • When working very late, have a deep rest before work or get 5 or so hours sleep after work.

  • DON’T sleep from the end of one shift to the beginning of the next.

  • Try and get some daylight.

  • If you’re feeling wired after a late shift, trick your body into fatigue. We’d recommend some yoga or meditation to calm your mind. DON’T opt for alcohol or sleep medication.

SHFTHero is one of Australia’s top temporary hospitality and event staffing solutions, connecting understaffed businesses with on-demand freelancers. Are you keen to pick up vacant shifts? Join the SHFTHero freelancer community today. Download now on iOS and Android.

Are you an employer? Are you in need of urgent Bartenders, Baristas, Wait Staff, Event Staff or Chefs? With SHFTHero, you can hire experienced, temporary staff near you. Visit our website and grab your quote today.


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